NBSC Conducts Training of Trainers to Enhance Assessment Literacy and Boost Research Publication
Northern Bukidnon State College (NBSC) recently held a two-day Training of Trainers (TOT) entitled Institutional Research Project Writeshop: Writing a Publishable Quality Article, occurred at Don Arc White Beach Resort in Initao, Misamis Oriental on December 12-13, 2024.
The program kicked off with participants sharing updates on their ongoing research projects. BLEPT Kalampusan Coordinator Dr. Mary Cris J. Go facilitated an orientation on correctly completing the Research Ethics Clearance (REC) forms.
In the afternoon, Dr. Jovelyn G. Delosa, PhD, provided valuable insights into the essential components of a publishable article. Her presentation covered various tips, techniques, and writing styles for crafting impactful research papers. Participants also explored legitimate, free, open-source journal websites indexed in Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus. The first day concluded with a hands-on workshop on applying these concepts to participants’ research projects.
On the second day, participants presented their progress, showcasing the skills they had acquired during the workshops.
This (TOT) workshop is expected to enhance assessment literacy among NBSC faculty and researchers significantly. Focusing on Assessment LiteracyโTeaching and Learning Processes, the workshop aimed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to design, implement, and analyze practical assessments that inform and improve teaching and learning practices. This, in turn, will contribute to increased research output in the field of education.